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AccessTimeIcon May 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM
Updated May 29, 2024 at 5:22 AM

Düsseldorf: History, Legends, and Celebrities

Düsseldorf, the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia, looks back on a long and eventful history. In addition to a vibrant city life, art, and culture, the city also offers exciting historical traces and legends waiting to be discovered.

Arrive relaxed with Airport Taxi Düsseldorf: Book your comfortable transfer to Düsseldorf Airport conveniently before your departure and arrive stress-free in the city center. Sit back, enjoy the ride, and look forward to a journey into Düsseldorf's past!

Historical Traces in Düsseldorf: From the Castle to the Metropolis

Burgplatz: Burgplatz in the heart of the Old Town is considered the birthplace of Düsseldorf. Once the site of the eponymous "Duffes Burg," only the castle tower remains today. On Burgplatz, you will also find the town hall and the equestrian statue of Jan Wellem, the most famous Elector of Düsseldorf. (Within walking distance from the Old Town and many hotels in the city center.)

Castle Tower: The Castle Tower, the only remaining building of the former "Duffes Burg," is the oldest structure in Düsseldorf and recalls the city's beginnings in the 13th century.Today, the tower houses a museum on the city's history. (Within walking distance from the old town and many hotels in the city center.)

Old Town: Stroll through the picturesque old town of Düsseldorf and discover historical buildings such as the Lambertuskirche, the Neanderkirche, and the Hetjens Museum, which presents art and cultural history from the Middle Ages to the present day. (Within walking distance from the main train station and many hotels in the city center.)

Benrath Palace: The magnificent Baroque Benrath Palace with its extensive gardens and water features is one of Düsseldorf's most significant architectural landmarks. In the 18th century, Elector Jan Wellem had the palace built and used it as a summer residence. (Approximately 7 km from the city center).Accessible by tram line U75 to stop "Benrath S" or by Taxi Düsseldorf Airport.)

Historical Monuments and Buildings in Düsseldorf and Ways in Between


Most historical monuments and buildings are located in the Old Town and are accessible on foot.

The distances provided are approximate and may vary depending on the exact location of the visited monuments.

Taxi and public transportation prices are estimates and may vary depending on the time of day, distance, and type of service.

With the VRR day ticket, you can use public transportation in the region all day long.

Monument / Historic Building Description Distance from Old Town Transportation Average Travel Time Estimated Cost (Taxi or Public Transport)
Castle Tower (Schlossturm) Medieval tower with the Children's Museum ~0.2 km On foot 5 minutes Free (access to the castle courtyard)
Town Hall (Rathaus) Renaissance town hall ~0.3 km On foot 10 minutes Free (free visit)
St.Lambertus Church (St. Lambertus Church) Impressive Gothic church ~0.4 km On foot 10 minutes Free (open for public viewing)
Burgplatz (Castle Square) Historic square on the Rhine ~0.5 km On foot 15 minutes Free
Benrath Palace (Schloss Benrath) Baroque palace with adjacent French garden ~8 km Tram (Line 701) 30 minutes ~2 € (VRR single ticket)
Rhine Promenade (Rheinuferpromenade) Beautiful promenade along the Rhine with sculptures and art installationsLocated along the old town On foot - Free

Schlossturm Düsseldorf | Airport Taxi

Legends and Myths of Düsseldorf: Exciting Stories of the City

Wheel breaker's fountain: The wheel breaker's fountain on the marketplace tells the story of the shoemaker Adrian von Neuss, who in the 14th.Century with a single stroke of the wheel crossed the Rhine and thus won the Düsseldorf marksmen's bet.

Düsseldorf Man: The Düsseldorf Man is the symbol of the city and is said to represent the guardian spirit of Düsseldorf. According to legend, the little man is supposed to protect the city from misfortune.

Jan Wellem and the Golden Rider: Elector Jan Wellem is one of the most important figures in Düsseldorf's history. The famous equestrian statue on Burgplatz, however, does not show him on a horse, but on a "Barb stallion," which led to numerous legends and mocking songs.

Famous Personalities of Düsseldorf: Artists, Musicians, and Entrepreneurs

Heinrich Heine | Airport Taxi

Heinrich Heine: The famous poet Heinrich Heine was born in Düsseldorf and spent his childhood in the city.His birthplace on Bolkerstraße is now a museum.

Joseph Beuys: The internationally renowned artist Joseph Beuys lived and worked in Düsseldorf for a long time and significantly influenced the Düsseldorf Art Academy.

Kraftwerk: The electronic music group Kraftwerk, considered a pioneer of electronic music, hails from Düsseldorf and has significantly influenced music history with their sound.

Josef Weizenbaum: The computer scientist Josef Weizenbaum, known for his computer "ELIZA," considered one of the first chatbots, taught and researched at the University of Düsseldorf for many years.

Excursion tips in the surrounding area: Historical cities nearby

With the affordable taxi to Düsseldorf Airport or with our reliable shuttle service to Düsseldorf Airport, you can also use Düsseldorf as a starting point for excursions in the surrounding area.Discover historical cities in North Rhine-Westphalia:

Cologne (approx. 60 km): Visit the world-famous Cologne Cathedral, the historic old town with its Romanesque churches, and stroll along the banks of the Rhine.

Taxi Düsseldorf Airport will take you comfortably and quickly to Cologne. Simply book your transfer online or by phone before your departure.

Xanten (approx. 65 km): Explore the former Roman city of Xanten with the archaeological park APX and the St. Viktor Cathedral.

Reichsburg Cochem (approx. 120 km): Take a trip to the medieval Reichsburg Cochem on the Moselle and discover the region's fascinating history.

Taxi Düsseldorf Airport also offers spacious minivans, ideal for trips with bicycles or luggage.

Schwetzingen (approx. 100 km): Visit the magnificent Schwetzingen Palace with its extensive baroque gardens, which are part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

With the airport shuttle service Düsseldorf, you can travel cost-effectively and comfortably to the surrounding cities.Book your seat easily online or by phone.

Historical cities near Düsseldorf


The distances and travel times provided are approximate and may vary depending on the mode of transport and traffic conditions.

Taxi and public transport prices are estimates and may vary depending on the time of day, day of the week, and provider.

It is recommended to check the current timetables and fares of the transport companies before your trip.

City Historical significance Distance (approx.) Departure from Düsseldorf city center Travel time (approx.) Cost (approx.)
Cologne (Köln) Roman past, Cathedral and Old Town ~40 kmLong-distance train (from Düsseldorf main station) 30 - 45 minutes ~15 € (one-way)
Xanten (Xanten) Roman excavations and cathedral ~50 km Regional train (from Düsseldorf main station) 1 - 1.5 hours ~10 € (one-way)
Soest (Soest) Medieval old town and former Hanseatic city ~65 km Regional train with transfer (from Düsseldorf main station) 1.5 - 2 hours ~20 € (one-way)
Aachen (Aachen) Imperial city with cathedral and historic old town ~85 km Long-distance train (from Düsseldorf main station)~1 hour ~25 € (one-way)
Kleve (Cleves) Renaissance castle complex and Schwanenburg ~60 km Bus (from Düsseldorf main station) 1.5 hours ~12 € (one-way)

Historic cities | Airport Taxi

Relax and immerse yourself in Düsseldorf's past: Book your transfer with Airport Taxi Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf offers exciting traces of the past alongside its vibrant present.Discover historical buildings, listen to legends and myths of the city, and follow in the footsteps of famous personalities.

Travel options from Düsseldorf Airport to the city center


Distances are given in kilometers (km).

Travel times are average values and may vary depending on traffic conditions.

Convenience is rated on a scale of 1 (least convenient) to 5 (most convenient) for an average person, taking into account factors such as cost, travel time, and user-friendliness.

Mode of transport Distance (km) Average travel time Convenience
S-Bahn ~8 12 minutes 4
Bus (Line 721) ~8 28 minutes 3
Taxi ~8 15 minutes 5
Rental car ~8 15-30 minutes 2

Your journey starts relaxed with Airport Taxi Düsseldorf: Book your comfortable transfer from Düsseldorf Airport to the city center and look forward to an exciting journey through time!